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Visitor Reception Puente Gate, Cordoba

Visitor Reception Puente Gate, Cordoba. 

This construction is one of the interventions included in the Action Plan for the Roman Bridge of Cordoba and surrounding area. The new building, located beside the Puerta del Puente Gate is constructed in two different sections thus giving the appearance of two architectures implying the changes in construction which occur over time.

The project houses The Visitor Reception Centre of The Historic City of Cordoba, and The Headquarters of The City Tourist Board having exclusive spaces required for this function. It comprises of to two separated sections, one attached to the north party wall of the site and another located near the Paseo de La Riebra, a pedestrian section runs between the two.

The complex houses a projection room for 150 people to show the city of Cordoba, a cafeteria and a shop, offices as well as a conference rooms. The interior of the facility has a single ope-plan on three levels which is illuminated by a skylight and connected by a ramp.

The design is the work of the architect Juan Cuenca, who did projects such as the Bus station of Cordoba, the Bus Station of  Plaza de Armas of Seville, The Sports Centre of Baena or the Baena town hall.

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